StyleSpace by JBM Fashion and Gifts Finds (Updated Regularly!)

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Friday, May 12, 2023


John B. Marine | 9:22 PM | | | |
(UPDATED: May 18, 2023)

Clarks is a British shoemaker whose origins date back 1825. Their footwear is more on the casual spectrum than anything overly chic. My motivation to blog about Clarks was when I saw a bunch of their items on one site. As a result, I figured I would blog about Clarks and share their footwear with all of you. So let's get it!

A Note About Brands Posts...

I was not contacted by Clarks to make this post. I did this on my own. All opinions are also my own.

There are also affiliate links to this post. So I may earn some commission based on any qualified clicks or purchases. All at no cost to you.


MAY 18 2023 - made a few simple edits

Clarks at a Glance

Clarks Footwear
^ from: Clarks - Clarks has a wide variety of footwear for males and females, ranging from children to adults. They are even famous for their desert boots.

Clarks Footwear Men's shoes
^ from: eBay - Clarks has a nice selection of footwear for men.

^ from: Walmart - These sandals is one of the many female shoe offerings from Clarks.

Clarks was the creation of Cyrus Clark and James Clark in 1825 in Somerset, England, UK. Their craftsmanship of their shoes made them revolutionary for their time. Clarks is best known for their Desert Boots for both men and women. Their footwear can be had for men, women, and children.

Since Clarks is on the lower end of the fashion spectrum, one will not expect to have to pay an arm and a leg just to buy their products. They do, however, have some more premium-type footwear to appease to any number of fashionable types. Simple daytime comfort and style can be had with the likes of Clarks footwear. It isn't likely you will be pairing these shoes with any formal or evening-type fashions. You can, though, show some casual style.

Every Move Matters.

Every Move Matters is the initiative set by Clarks to provide sustainable designs of their products and to help out the environment. To learn more about this initiative, visit:

Thoughts on Clarks Footwear.

Clarks have a pretty nice assortment of shoes for males and females. They have some quite nice casual style shoes. None of their offerings are overly chic, but they do provide some quality footwear for all to enjoy. Inexpensive chic can be had by this long-time footwear designer. So go pick up a pair of Clarks shoes and rock your style!

For More Information...

For more information on Clarks footwear, please visit this link:

Clarks Online

If you want to shop for some Clarks footwear, I can help you! Please use these items I have provided for you. They are for Clarks men's footwear and Clarks women's wear. Check it (let the widgets load):

For men's Clarks shoes:

For women's Clarks shoes:

Other Sources.

You can find Clarks footwear by searching at retailers such as these:


Happy shopping (if doing any)! :)

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