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Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Least Favorite Fashion Poses

John B. Marine | 5:33 PM |
Modeling poses in fashion can be as great the outfits themselves. However, some modeling poses or actions I loathe. So I'm going to share my least favorite modeling acts here. I'm not going to spoil things with pictures, so you'll have to read what are my least favorites!

Before I Begin...

Here is a forewarning. I mean no disrespect if you're "guilty" of some of the actions I will make mention of here. Much like I mean no real disrespect of any trends or looks I dislike. This is a blog of opinion, and I am free to share my dislike professionally.

Least Favorite Modeling Poses: Considerations

How you model outfits can be just as critical as the outfits themselves. Do you present yourself in a unique way to bring a certain mood to outfits, or do you present yourself in a way that cheapens outfits as a whole? You certainly want to be able to show your personality in a unique way with certain poses.

Everyone has their most favorite and least favorite ways of expression in fashion. For example, "Fashion by He" once made notion of hating when certain fashionistas do jumping poses in their outfit posts. Everyone has their likes and dislikes. Certainly mine are no different. The goal here is to share some of my own dislikes. In this case, the topic is on fashion poses. I want to give the impression that while I try to be neutral on a lot of things, I do have my own tastes.

Having said all of this, it is time I share some of my least favorite poses. So go to the next section of this post!

Least Favorite Modeling Poses

Each of the actions/poses I speak of will be listed in descending order (last to first). I will not spoil this list with any pictures, so you will need to read the full post to know what my five least favorite poses are! Then use your imagination to know what I am talking about as I describe my five least favorite poses.

5.) [Some] Laughing Poses.

For someone who boasts about positivity and positive thinking, one would look at me strange by mentioning laughing- which is obviously positive and exudes some personality. Faking a laugh can sometimes be cheesy (no pun intended).

4.) [Some] Walk Poses and Jump Poses.

I never really liked certain walk poses, including jump poses from fashion bloggers. Just seems a touch too cheap to me. I am not one to really judge what is acceptable or annoying in regards to walking poses. These mostly sort of pertain to 3/4 front views or side views of walking poses. This rant does not pertain to look behind walking poses. As for jumping poses, jumps from the front or back are okay to me. Some jumps from the sides are like the "walking on air" deal. It doesn't get annoying, but I am usually not as fond of this at times.

I originally had this as just walking poses but decided to put certain jumps into this point to combine the two.

3.) The Toe Stand.

Standing on the tips of your shoes in a fashion pose. I honestly never liked this pose which some people tend to associate with the late "King of Pop," Michael Jackson. The only exception of toe stands is with ballet. However, doing this in sneakers or combat boots or something... NOT a fan.

2.) Mouth Hiding With Props.

It is understandable at times to not show your face proper. Fashion is more about putting outfits together rather than showing your identity to add to outfits. That said, though, I've seen some who hide their mouths with flowers, big leaves, or anything like that. I never really liked this all that much to be honest.

And my least favorite? It is...

1.) Bubble Gum Blowing.

Many people think this is cute or cool. I think it's [expletive]ing gross! It's cute to some since you're hiding your face. And most people look cool (or think they do) blowing bubble gum bubbles. If that isn't bad enough, I saw on Yahoo! Answers in my researching of this topic that some guys find girls who blow bubble gum bubbles to be erotic. Erotic... really? I also dislike lollipop licking and stuff, and that's more erotic than blowing bubble gum. But... this is the Internet, where the infamous "Rule 34" applies to everything. Honestly... bubbles annoy me to be honest, let alone from bubble gum. I'm sorry if this offends some of you.

Now you know of five of my least favorite fashion poses in pictures. Before I go to Final Thoughts, let me make an Honorable Mention...

Least Favorite Fashion Poses, Honorable Mention: Big Lip Clutch Covering Mouth.

I dislike a lot of lip design material in fashion. What I often loathe most with this style is posing with a lip clutch to give the impression of a huge kiss or whatever. It's tacky to me. Don't like it all that much.

Okay. Final Thoughts time. Go to the next section!

Least Favorite Fashion Poses: Final Thoughts

This post was not intended to attack anyone who may be "guilty" of doing such poses or posting such pictures. It is much like whether I rave or rant against certain outfits or trends. You are free to express yourself in fashion any way you please- even including certain poses to bring life to your outfits and outfit posts. As much as fashion is a great means of expression, some of these poses can be pretty annoying or not as fun as some make them out to be.

Express your style any way you please. Just know I am honest about certain things I like and dislike- including certain poses and acts in fashion posts and such. Don't let me stop you from you wanting to do your outfit posts the way you want to. So now you know about some of the fashion poses (and some picture thoughts in general) I dislike.

That's all for this post. Thanks for visiting "StyleSpace by JBM!" Discussion time:

What are some of your least favorite poses, and are you "guilty" of any of the ones I mentioned here? What are your counters to any of the poses I disliked that you disagree with me about?

Subscribe/Follow if you love my blog... even if you disagree with my views (but still respect them)! Thank you for reading! Take care and be well.

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