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Thursday, February 29, 2024

Differences in Perspective

John B. Marine | 4:40 PM | |
Fashion is different when seen from other perspectives. A now-defunct blog once expressed male and female perspective on outfits constantly. What males may not like about a feminine outfit, females do. What some females may not like about a masculine outfit, males do. Does a person have to properly understand fashion to discuss it? Not necessarily. Nobody looks up to me for fashion advice, and I couldn't be one's personal stylist to save somebody's life. What I do provide, though, is my own thoughts on one's style. That is good enough to properly discuss fashion.

This blog post is not about any specific outfit. Instead, I'm simply talking about what a difference outside perspectives on fashion can do.

Perspectives: Males About Feminine Outfits.

Let me speak to the level of males making opinions on feminine fashion.

Us males often think a lot about what makes females stylish, cute, romantic, edgy, or whatever. Some of us could cringe a bit as to some fashion choices some fashionistas may make. Males could, for example, question why a fashionista goes for animal prints or neon, especially if males do not necessarily like certain animal prints or neon. A fashionista couldn't care less because she knows how to make a style statement.

I personally have seen a number of fashion blogs from fashionable types worldwide. An overwhelming majority of these blogs are feminine bloggers. I feel my own opinions on certain outfits are on my own style tastes. I do sometimes, though, feel I may seem like I am trying to flirt when praising a fashionista's outfit. The idea I get is that a male who compliments on a female's style is that someone is simply trying to express thoughts on a fashionista's style and not trying to want to be with her. Things often don't always work out that way at times.

Perspectives: Females About Masculine Outfits.

As much as males have their thoughts on what makes a female beautiful, females have their own fashion tastes in males. A number of females love a well-dressed and handsome male. Perhaps they may also love one who is muscular or just overall charming. I am not as certain as to how females feel exactly about male style, but I am sure many have exquisite takes on masculine fashion.

Final Thoughts.

It is perfectly fine to have your own perspective on fashion based on your own takes. I am not suggesting anyone is right or wrong regarding perspectives on fashion. Your takes on fashion whether male or female are your own unique takes. So feel free to feel however you want regarding fashion commentary.

That's all from me about fashion perspectives from male and female perspectives. I hope you enjoyed this blog post. Subscribe/Follow my blog(s) in any capacity if you love my work. Share my blog post(s) with others if you enjoy my work. Support me further by connecting with me on social media; and if you are inclined, feel free to donate to me (donations are voluntary but would be appreciated). Thank you for reading! Take care and be well.

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