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Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Flounce Dresses and Flounce Skirts

John B. Marine | 8:21 PM |
Flounce dresses and skirts express statement-making feminine style. They mostly have bold touches like ruffles, tiers, and ties styled in an attention-grabbing way. Flounce dresses and skirts can be casual or formal. There are even flounce skirts for tennis players. To that end, then, [at least] flounce skirts can also be sporty, especially sports-minded ones. These dresses and skirts are their own statement piece. Therefore, it would be risky (and kind of foolish) to try to be head-to-toe statement maker when wearing a flounce dress or a flounce skirt.

Here is how describes flounces:

"Flounce is an exaggeration, a frill or a flounce. It is a wide strip of fabric gathered and sewn to a skirt or dress. They most often appear at the hem and help exaggerate the character and silhouette of a skirt."

-Flounce, on

To that end, here are examples of flounce dresses and flounce skirts:

flounce dress
^ from: (Lyst) - Flounce dresses can either have ruffles or tiers, making them very expressive and powerfully feminine. They can range in length from mini length to maxi length, and they can either be casual or formal.

flounce skirt
^ from: (HSN) - Flounce skirts have the same style of expressive style as their dress counterparts.

Styling Flounce Dresses and Skirts.

As I mentioned earlier, you do not need to pile on statement pieces when you already have a flounce dress or a flounce skirt. So don't go with bold slide sandals, bold jewelry, or anything truly flashy to go along with a flounce dress or flounce skirt. Since skirts are more versatile, a flounce skirt can be complimented with any such top as long as it doesn't overpower the flounce skirt.

Edgy fashionistas may opt for a leather jacket. While I think they would kill the feminine vibe, fishnet tights with some combat boots would also go with flounce dresses and flounce skirts; but again, I wouldn't exactly recommend it.

I would avoid sneakers with these garments. There are some exceptions for certain flounce dresses and flounce skirts to be paired with sneakers, but I'd avoid sneakers with most of these flounce dresses or flounce skirts.

Thoughts on Flounce Dresses and Skirts.

Nearly any dress or skirt has feminine appeal. Flounce dresses and flounce skirts surely pack feminine appeal and charm. They have the right amount of style to compliment nearly any outfit combination one has in mind. These are boldly feminine garments without going to any such extremes. Many of these flounce dresses and flounce skirts can be stylish casually, semi-formally, or formally. They also come in a nice array of lengths ranging from mini-length to maxi-length. The possibilities can be endless, so go find yourself a flounce dress and/or flounce skirt and look fabulous!

Flounce Dresses and Flounce Skirts Online.

Want to get yourself a flounce dress and/or a flounce skirt? You are free to look around online. Or to help support me and my work, why not visit retailers such as these:

Ann Taylor

I appreciate you if you did find some stylish flounce dresses or flounce skirts online from this page. Happy shopping! :)

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