--- Tough Cutout Booties ---
What kind of cutout booties are we talking about? Here is an example (hover over the image to learn the product name):^ from: www.amazon.com - Cut out booties such as these offer toughness along with open-air comfort for a best-of-both-worlds style that is trendy today. I chose this image to demonstrate what such booties look like when worn.
Here is another example:
^ from: www.choies.com - The open-air comfort of cutout shoes lend themselves to tough footwear such as these booties.
Offering a cutout design to shoes offers hints of open-air comfort. The key elements to these shoes lie in the open sides and the fact they are secured with buckles. Many looking to style these booties are looking to style them by taking girly and edgy outfits and offer booties like these to add edge. Some others may simply take some casual feminine outfits- like pairing these with boyfriend jeans and sporting booties like these with them. There aren't too many popular tough cutout booties for me to use as a primary example for this topic. As I researched the topic, I thought of the Jeffrey Campbell "Coltrane" booties through my research of this topic.
So what is the big deal about booties like what I am discussing here? Simple- they've become very trendy starting in 2013. These tough cutout booties are anything but cute. These booties have plenty of toughness and character. Their grungy appearance make them a boon for tough fashions and tough outfits. At least the open-air comfort on the sides offers a bit of girly appeal. Let's just say that these tough cutout booties are as girly as a pair of combat boots adorned with floral patterns.
Blogging Example.
I have only one blog example to share with you in demonstrating these tough cutout booties, and here it is:• "MATCHY MATCHY" (SerialKlother) « tough cutout booties paired with a skirt outfit.
I hope this gives you an idea of the kind of booties I am talking about.
--- Tough Cutout Booties: Final Thoughts ---
I don't think these tough cutout booties are anything ugly. I wouldn't recommend these to go with any sort of outfit, but you can certainly do no wrong sporting these booties with your outfits. These booties were primarily designed for the rebellious and tough types along with those who want to mix dainty with toughness. If you were to ask me if I would go with combat boots or these tough cutout booties for an outfit, I would probably side with the tough cutout booties.You have my approval of these booties in case you want to add some to your shoe collection and to incorporate into your wardrobe and outfits.
That concludes another blog post. Since I couldn't nail down a proper example all post long, I had to use almost anything readily available to explain this topic. I still hope you enjoyed this post regardless and are willing to share your thoughts on these shoes. Speaking of which...
What are your thoughts on the tough cutout booties I explained in this blog post?
Respond away and thank you for reading!
I like these boots for more casual looks - like a cute floral dress with booties. I would definitely wear these in the winter - perfect for snowy weather!
I do like them, but I probably won't be getting a pair. The thing is that I don't do this kind of tough looks that often ( I couldn't wear them to work for example) and I think that two pairs of dr. martens boots (that I had since my adolescence) is enough for when I feel like dressing in rock or military style. I'm definitely not a shopaholic, I only buy clothes and/or shoes if I'm sure I'll wear them.
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