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About the Label: "Alternative"
Items under the "Alternative" label are about fashions popular among alternative lifestyles. These posts can range from non-mainstream fashions, subcultures of fashion (such as Goth and punk), even fashions among adult entertainment and fetishitic fashions. Each of these posts are almost understandably not suited for all audiences due to their subject matter.--- Alternative Footwear: Why Bother? ---
The shoes we wear are good enough to compliment a host of outfits. They allow us to express ourselves with quality footwear that is every bit as unique as our own personalities. These are comfortable shoes for us to wear. However, there are those who want to express their personality with shoes that are either slightly different... or MUCH different.You know there are people out there who want to really look and feel unique, and your average mainstream retailers just don't do it for them. I always talk about fashion as being a form of expression. Going to mainstream retailers just might not be the kind of fashion touch some people long for. Some stores that cater to alternative lifestyles and different subcultures may provide fashions better suited to engage in certain personalities. The focal point of this blog post is on alternative footwear.
Some alternative footwear makers design shoes to help fill a void or establish something that major retailers simply can't provide. It is to no fault of any major companies. It is just that certain alternative footwear companies understand and cater to certain fashionable desires. Certain kinds of alternative footwear better complete some people and whatever styles they choose to express.
Functional Alternative Footwear.
Besides offerings provided by alternative lifestyle brands, some alternative footwear makers are better tailored to certain people to meet certain needs. For example, there are shoe makers who design shoes for petite feet and even for larger-size feet. Some shoe makers even provide functional footwear for those experiencing certain health problems.No matter what, there are footwear options for both those into certain lifestyles and for those looking for special shoes that are fun and functional. Some people can have better style options for their outfits with certain alternative shoes.
--- Alternative Footwear: Pictures ---
Here are some alternative-style footwear options for people. What I want to do here is showcase different styles of footwear different from what you would probably see a normal retailer provide. All examples are provided for educational purposes. Hover your cursor over each item to learn its proper name. Some of these items may be discussed in blog posts in the future:
^ from: www.amazon.com - These huge platform wedge boots from Demonia were very popular in the mid-2000s by go-go dancers. Males even wore these massive boots.

^ from: www.amazon.com - How hard do you like it? This is a tough pair of men's Goth/punk boots. This specific pair is from a Spanish company called NEW ROCK.

^ from: www.amazon.com - Females also love a tough pair of boots. Some of these boots are tougher than even the most rebellious combat boots.

^ from: www.amazon.com - Alternative footwear also caters to sexy types. Try these kinky shoes.

^ from: www.amazon.com - Not all shoes from certain alternative footwear designers are exclusively kinky or meant for *adult entertainers*. Some offerings look fairly modest or not all that exclusive to adult fashions. These shoes are a prime example.

^ from: www.amazon.com - The most common of shoes even come from alternative footwear companies. Try these platform flip-flop/thong sandals, for instance.

^ from: www.rakuten.com - Among alternative footwear brands, there are some outrageous shoes made for those truly daring. Fetishistic types surely apply.

^ from: www.amazon.com - I usually think of boots like these when over-the-knee boots come to mind, including any and all attempts to make them fashionable. I have loathed over-the-knee boots for the longest.

^ from: www.amazon.com - For those having troubles with back pain and other ailments, shoes like these from Z-CoiL are alternative-type footwear that are functional and helpful.
That concludes your look at alternative footwear.
--- Alternative Footwear: Brands ---
These are only a few of many different brands of alternative footwear. Visit each designer's website by clicking on the header to each featured brand in this section.Pleaser (USA site).
One of the most popular alternative footwear designers is Pleaser. Their shoes encompass alternative style for males and females. The shoes range from casual fashion to various costumes and certain adult-oriented fashions.Pleaser consists of various other brands, including: Demonia, Bordello, Pin Up Couture, Funtasma, and Devious among others. This is mostly a shoe designer suited to please all kinds of people in the alternative footwear realm ranging from edgy to sexy.
New Rock.
Spanish shoe designer New Rock specializes in Goth-type and punk-type boots. These boots are armed to the hilt with studs, buckles, and a whole lot of toughness. Surely not the kind of shoes that will get you compliments like "cute shoes" or anything. Their shoes will give both males and females a heavy dosage of toughness. Their feminine offerings do offer some shoes with stiletto heels, so they aren't TOO far off the girly path. Yet still, these are not anything adorable. They have been around since 1978.Buffalo (German only).
As a specialist in platform shoes, Germany's Buffalo features many different shoes for males and females. They even have a collection of their classic shoes. Their Buffalo Classics are namely some of the platform sneakers and boots that have given Buffalo their popularity. Buffalo only services from their online shop to Germany, Austria, and France.YRU.
Making shoes for both men and women, YRU makes mostly platform shoes as unique as those who wear them. I came across YRU when a girl I am Fanned with on LOOKBOOK wore one of their shoes- the QOZMO sneakers.Z-CoiL.
Z-CoiL is the maker of the original spring-loaded shoes. They have been around since 1995. Their shoes are to help reduce pain to one's feet, knees, legs, and back when walking.These are among several other different alternative footwear companies.
--- Alternative Footwear: Blogging Influence ---
Don't expect too many influences here. However, here are a few bloggers sporting certain alternative-type footwear:• "NYFW DAY TWO: Rainbow Space Alien" (Velvet Cigarette) « silver glitter platform wedge boots.
• "FASHION WEEK DAY 4: GET CAKE" (Velvet Cigarette) « white platform wedge boots.
• "http://www.style2bones.com/2013/12/fashion-not-for-faint-of-heart.html" (style2bones) « wedge creepers from an alternative footwear brand.
• Demonia shoes on LOOKBOOK « Demonia shoes on LOOKBOOK.
• Pleaser shoes on LOOKBOOK « Pleaser shoes on LOOKBOOK.
• TUK shoes on LOOKBOOK « TUK shoes on LOOKBOOK.
These are only a few examples of tough shoes worn by alternative footwear companies. Maybe I'll feature a few more blog posts. I just don't follow such tough and edgy fashions too much. For someone trying to incorporate multiple kinds of fashion into one blog, it doesn't mean I actively follow different kinds of fashion and discuss them all with total professionalism and mastery of skill.
--- Alternative Footwear: Final Thoughts ---
If people care to express themselves, a lot of alternative-type footwear can help in this department. Certain hard and edgy shoes can provide many ways to toughen up outfits. Also take into account females who take girly-girl looks and offer unworldly toughness by wearing something like any of the tough boots I shown you all earlier. On the other end, there are more alternative footwear options for sexy types. These are shoes mostly worn by certain models for steamy photoshoots, for nightclub wear, or of course... streetwalkers (whatever these translate to in your culture, such as "slags").The main point to grasp from all of this is that each of these alternative footwear designs were made specifically for those who want to express themselves in unique ways with shoes most mainstream designers simply can't provide. Their uniqueness help such shoes to be the kinds of shoes people want to express themselves with and be seen in. While you may not particularly like any of the examples I have provided, remember that some people can't stand out too much with mostly mainstream clothing and always following certain mainstream trends. You don't have to wear such alternative footwear, but the option is certainly there if you want to stand out a bit more than how you normally want to stand out.
While I didn't focus too much on them, there are some kinds of alternative footwear better suited and tailored towards certain people outside of alternative lifestyles. You may one or more posts regarding the alternative-style footwear I didn't mention- such as the Z-CoiL shoes I made mention to earlier.
Cross-Promotion/Other Reading.
Take a look at these other posts, and you can comment on them if you want to share something on each topic. I want you all to look at some of my past posts in case the one you just read interest you:"Combat Boots" (StyleSpace by JBM)
^ Some alternate footwear makers make combat boots. Suit up and strap in for battle with this blog post on combat boots.
"Why So Mean?" (StyleSpace by JBM)
^ As alternative footwear can offer some mean appeal, certain mean message garments and offensive clothing make their own impact in fashion. Take a look at my "Why So Mean?" blog post to learn more about mean message fashions as well as why some people are just so mean with their fashion.
"Tattoos and Piercings" (StyleSpace by JBM)
^ Nothing to show hardness quite like tattoos and piercings. This old blog post takes a look at certain tattoos and piercings people get, and it even provides some of my own thoughts on them in general.
"Over-the-Knee and Thigh-High Boots" (StyleSpace by JBM)
^ You already may have read my thoughts on over-the-knee boots earlier in this post. Now read my proper post regarding over-the-knee boots to learn more about why I made the thoughts I presented on them.
"Pin-Up Girl Style" (StyleSpace by JBM)
^ Alternative footwear isn't just about hard fashion- it's also about sexy-type fashions, such as pin-up girls. Take a look at my popular post regarding pin-up girls.
"Platforms and Flatforms" (StyleSpace by JBM)
^ This blog post takes a look at platform shoes as well as flatform shoes. Some alternative footwear consists of platform shoes.
That concludes this blog post on alternative footwear.
What are your thoughts regarding alternative footwear? Feel free to share your thoughts in my blog post here. Thank you for reading! Come back any time!